The Dallas Firefighter's Museum has a long-standing partnership with Dallas ISD and the Dallas Fire-Rescue Fire and Safety Educators. Together we partner to build awareness in our community for the common goal to ensure the safety of children and families.
We can all help make the world a safer place by learning more about how and why fires start. We offer countless consumer-friendly safety tips on a wide range of timely and important topics - everything you need to know to keep you, your family, and your community safe from fire and related hazards.

Resources for Educators

Simple and Effective Fire Safety Education geared towards today's child. Through an innovative partnership, BrainFood and the Dallas Firefighter's Museum have created interactive educational software that any Fire Department can utilize to teach safety education. Come see it live for yourself at our Museum!
Does your department need a cost-effective fire safety education program that’s fun for both kids and adults alike? Imagine a solution that’s both quick & easy to set up and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to boot!
The National Fire Prevention Association is the leading information and knowledge resource on fire, electrical and related hazards education.
We can all help make the world a safer place by learning more about how and why fires start. We offer countless consumer-friendly safety tips on a wide range of timely and important topics - everything you need to know to keep you, your family, and your neighbors safe from fire and related hazards.
Check out their large abundance of resources.
Sparky's School House is filled with interactive activities to bring into the classroom or enjoy in the home. Children of all ages can learn and grow through these platforms to gain the knowledge they need to stay safe.
Explore videos, trivia, and a variety of other resources.
Fire program was designed to make it easy for fire service professionals to work with preschool teachers to share important fire and burn safety lessons with young children. You can use Start Safe: Fire in any childcare, preschool or other program serving children ages 3-6. We offer free videos and other materials that are tailored to preschool teachers and fire and life safety professionals and will help you learn how to implement and evaluate the Start Safe: Fire program.

Firefighting in Art
Dallas ISD Students constructed a Firefighting collage to honor those who serve our great city. Below is a list of students who made this while attending Dallas ISD.
Sam Theis
Connor Starrs
Jake Tenney
David Pruit
Andres Castella
Patrick Rameo
Matthias Andrews
Colin Jackson
Travis Springer
Taylor James
Owen McGory